Running DOS MAME

Assuming you have the PACMAN.ZIP file in your ROMS folder (and you own the original ROM), run a command prompt and type:

(where ~is a SPACE and [return] is the enter key)




If all is ok you should now be playing Pacman WITHOUT sound - you've proved mame is installed working correctly.

Now try


Now you should be playing Pacman WITH sound - WOOHOO!

You will notice the -soundcard 1 option which sets MAME to use a Soundblaster compatable card.

Other options are :

0 - Silence
1 - Soundblaster
2 - Soundblaster AWE32
3 - Pro Audio Spectrum
4 - Ultrasound Max (CS4231 Codec)
5 - Ultrasound
6 - Windows Sound System
7 - Ensoniq Soundscape

Last updated on 09/22/2010, 19:21:19.


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